Intercostal arteries
Posterior intercostal arteries; Intercostal artery; Musculophrenic artery; Musculophrenic; Aortic intercostal; Supreme intercostal artery; Posterior intercostal artery; Highest intercostal artery; Anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery; Intercostal branches; Anterior intercostal branches; Lower intercostal; Right posterior intercostal arteries; Lower intercostal arteries; Aortic intercostal artery; Anterior intercostal arteries; Intercostal vessel; Highest intercostal; Aa. intercostales posteriores; Intercostal blood vessels; Arteria intercostalis suprema; Superior intercostal artery; Arteria musculophrenica; Arteriae intercostales posteriores I et II; Arteriae intercostales posteriores III-XI; Arteriae intercostales posteriores; Rami intercostales; Arteria intercostalis; Arteriae intercostales; Highest intercostal arteries; Aa. intercostales; Musculophrenic arteries; Posterior intercostal arteriy; Superior intercostal arteries; Supreme intercostal arteries
The intercostal arteries are a group of arteries that supply the area between the ribs ("costae"), called the intercostal space. The highest intercostal artery (supreme intercostal artery or superior intercostal artery) is an artery in the human body that usually gives rise to the first and second posterior intercostal arteries, which supply blood to their corresponding intercostal space.